If the growth of e-commerce in 2020 has taught us anything, we can expect more from our favorite online industry in the next couple of years. While some people may not like it, the world of retail is about to change drastically, for good. What will the future of e-commerce look like? How much will it change? Will it look completely different in 5 years, or will it look almost the same in 10? Only time will tell. However, in our humble opinion, the future of e-commerce is in front of our eyes. Of course, we’re talking about social streaming.
Live Selling is Nothing New
Before many of today’s biggest consumers were born, back in the 80s, the Home Shopping Network began to make a name for itself in the retail industry. They did this by pioneering the live TV pitch for standard consumer goods. The business model worked so well that it’s alive and well to this day. With the advancements in payment systems, the industry has managed to stay afloat for all these years. Just turn your television set right now and check some of the local TV stations. Chances are, you’ll catch at least a few of these shows. Since people like this format so much, it’s time for sellers to re-package it and sell it to the modern consumer. They will accomplish this by moving the live pitch to social media.
How Social Streaming Impacts E-commerce
since the epidemic started, all you can hear is marketers talking about social commerce. However, in countries outside the American bubble, like China, people are already experimenting with other forms of marketing. Combining tried and true live pitch sales techniques of old with new technology. Chinese merchants on Alibaba have been creating live mobile shopping experiences for quite a while. By live-streaming their sales pitch on social media, they’ve been able to link the primitive scroll functionality many customers find troubling with the VR shopping future. Simply put, they’re creating a live retail experience.
Three Reasons Why Social Streaming Is The Way To Go
Still not sold on the idea that you could essentially create a perfect sales pitch using live stream methods? Then check out the three reasons why social live streaming is the future of e-commerce.
Gives You A Better Understanding Of Customers
For starters, if you manage to combine live streaming sales with social marketing, you’ll be able to target the right people before the sale starts and actively engage them during the stream. Observing the way they interact with you during the stream will allow you to know them better.
Creates A New Way of Showing Off Your Products
This is the most obvious benefit of live streaming. It will help you save thousands of dollars on creating high-quality video, teasing, and advertising it across multiple platforms. With live streaming, you can do everything with nothing more than your phone, an app, and a few hours of work.
Provides E-commerce Merchants With Scarcity Triggers
The sneakers industry has been using scarcity triggers for quite a while at this point. It allows the people to know that an item is in high demand, that it’s pretty limited, and that you only have a certain amount of time to buy it. You can use live streaming to create the same effect.
The Bottom Line
While the future might not be televised, it will be live-streamed on your favorite social media platform from the look of things. With a little help of live streaming, e-commerce merchants will be able to take their marketing game to the next level and expose their products to a whole new segment.